Wednesday, February 13, 2008

back to my Alpha posts....

one N I love....

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Yes. I admit it. I am totally a vampire fan. Who woulda thought I would get into a vampire series? yeah. Not me. BUT! I love the Twilight series... and if you haven't joined the obsession... I recommend it. It's a great read...and the official release date for Breaking Dawn (book #4) will be Saturday, August 2, 2008!!

Many may not agree... but, I am TOTALLY an Edward fan. Everyone thinks Bella is an obsessed irrational girl... but, I can totally relate to that obsessed love. I am the same way... (don't judge me.... :) It's how I feel toward Stephen.... ;)

here is a tidbit from New Moon:

"Shoot," I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut. It all happened very quickly then. Edward threw himself at me, flinging me back across the table... I tumbled down to the floor by the piano, with my arms thrown out instinctively to catch my fall, into the jagged shards of glass. I felt the searing, stinging pain that ran from my wrist to the crease inside my elbow. Dazed and disoriented, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm—into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires.

other Nifty N's: new socks, Nathan (my little big brother), Nora Jones, kisses on my neck and newborns.


AMPM said...

Amen to the Vampire obsessed. I love these books. I think it is because I totally identify with Bella. If I didn't have my Man in Brown I would also curl up and die in the woods. Sick that I am such a weenie.

Amanda said...

I AM READING TWILIGHT RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK!!! I just started on MONDAY and have only read about 100 pages! I can already tell that I am HOOKED!!
So very ironic...

Erin said...

Welcome to the "I Love Edward" Fan Club! :)