Thursday, January 3, 2008

10 random facts about Stephen and I...

ok. I am totally in a Meme mood. I love them. don't ask why.... I don't know. It must be the "force me to remember stuff.." part....

who knows.... anywho.... here's ANOTHER one :)

  1. On our first date (11 years ago...) we ate at Olive Garden. We looked at the menu-- then he told me what he wanted--- and when the waitress came I gave her both of our orders. Neither of us ever thought twice about it. To this day Stephen has NEVER given an order at a restaurant...he just tells me... or I just pick for him. Yep. It's crazy.
  2. Stephen has taken every serious girlfriend home to Alabama for a vacation.... I have NEVER been. what's up with that....
  3. We both laugh at our own jokes...and we fight over who is funnier...
  4. I am almost a whole foot shorter than him...
  5. He has NEVER missed a doctors appointment while I am prego...
  6. We both love road trips and plan one at least every other month... it's our "talk time"...
  7. We balance each other out very well. Things that stress him out (usually) roll right off my back and he isn’t phased by things that tend to make me flip out.
  8. During our "first" phase dating each other... we broke up several times.... one of the times-- we hadn't seen each other for a week or two and I went out one morning to go to work and my gear shift was frozen. I was totally freaked out and didn't know what to do. So, I called Stephen. His truck was in the shop so he walked a mile (in the snow-seriously) to my house... fixed my gear shift... smiled at me then walked home... what a sweet heart. We got back together shortly after that.... :)
  9. We both forgot our last two anniversaries... and the last one we remembered while we were unloading a truck full of tree branches at the dump.... romantic 'eh!
  10. We have a secret code with each other... It started 10 years ago and we use it EVERY day. Mental, yes--- i know. The kids have even picked up on some of it now....

1 comment:

Lindsey F. said...

I love these stories!! You guys sound like the perfect couple! Maybe someday I'll get to meet Stephen.